2. Certain events displease you but they are beneficial for you; certain event please you but they are harmful to you. Be patient, be observant. Let’s see what the creator does, for whatever He does, He does beautifully. ‘Fighting has been ordained for you, even though you despise it. Perhaps you dislike a thing that is good for you and like a thing that is bad for you. Allah knows, but you know not.’ (2. Al-Baqarah: 216)

  3. Man can be defined as an animal in terms of bodily make-up, and as a vicegerent in terms of his databased brain. The reference, ‘As Vicegerents on earth’ highlights the brain’s capacity to CREATE anew at each and every instance. The essence of each human brain is composed of the qualities of Allah (the beautiful names). Therefore, the brain forms a new state at each instance thanks to the creativity of Allah; ALLAH is in a new form at every instance! This is why Man is defined as Vicegerent on earth. In its origin, the brain works like a turbine, incessantly and forever, thus experiencing its immortality. The brain will eventually ‘taste’ death, in other words, leave the body behind. DEATH, is the command of the brain to abandon the body (Al-Mumit) with the power of Azrael (the Angel of death). The brain is ETERNAL, as its essential reality is composed of the qualities of Allah (Asma Ul Husna)!

  4. If you seek to find the light, look for the source, not its reflections. We each choose what we inherently deserve.

  5. Remember: To the extent of our knowledge and the scientific facts of the day, the origin and essence of existence is the quantum potential.  It is data, without a beginning or an end, limitless, and immeasurable. Everything we perceive to exist is a creation of this data, beyond which nothing exists! Whatever we know, regardless of its plane of existence, is non-other than a manifestation of the energy and data from this very potential. And… At every point of perception, holographic reality dictates that the energy and data of the quantum potential are FULLY present! Therefore… The essence of the data composition that we call the brain is composed of this potential, of infinite energy and data. This is why the universe is referred to as the macro cosmos, and the brain as the micro cosmos. Furthermore… As far as a brain can transfer its dimensional observation from within its depths to its awareness, it will be able to ‘observe’ its own origin as well as the formation of all existence; thus, revealing the knowledge of that dimension. The most amazing MIRACLE in existence is what we commonly refer to as the brain. OR…The above can also be explained as follows: The ONE, beyond which nothing exists, referred to by the name Allah, makes everything appear to exist through its power and knowledge with the Quality of Rahman, through its capacity to create with the quality of Raheem. The metaphor ‘the point mirrors the whole’ means that at each point of existence, there is only Allah and none other. Each unit of creation comes into existence with knowledge and power at its essence and continues its existence as a composition of various qualities. ALLAH HU, beyond which nothing exists! For this reason, what we refer to as the brain IS A COMPOSITION OF WHAT IS REFERRED TO BY THE NAME ALLAH. This composition is called ‘RABB’. And the one that manifests this composition, ‘THE SERVANT’. The result: LA ILAHE ILLALLAH THERE IS ONLY ALLAH IN EXISTENCE, NO OTHER!

  6. The only way to know your SELF is to understand the brain and how it functions. Decipher the metaphors, get to KNOW YOUR SELF.

  7. It is time that you realize! Religion has not been disclosed for your bodily existence. It has been disclosed for man to realize his eternal essence and get to know his consciousness. corporeal practices are a conduit for the consciousness to awaken to the fact that it is beyond the body, beyond time and space. Hajj, Salat, Fasting…What are they for? It is true, fasting has some benefits to your health, but that is not its true goal! It is also true that the movements associated with Salat have benefits for the body, but Salat is not an exercise, this is not its true goal! By focusing on their health benefits, we are neglecting to see their true intention! We fast to distance ourselves from our bodily habits and addictions, so that we can feel and realize our essential reality, and live accordingly. The rules of Islam are a conduit to experiencing one’s faith. The same goes for salat. This is not just a physical ritual salat means turning to your essence, to your Rabb! It means focalizing on your essential reality by being aware of your movements and contemplating on the meaning of each verse and prayer.

  8. This unique compilation will renew your understanding of the Quran. Decoding The Quran in the chronological order of revelation, from the perspective of Sufism. Ramadan Mubarak: https://www.ahmedhulusi.org/en/book/decoding-the-quran-in-chronological-order-of-revelation

  9. THE TRUE GAUGE OF YOUR KNOWLEDGE IS YOUR ACTIONS, NOT YOUR WORDS! If you represent yourself as flying sky high when you speak, while living in torment and anxiety, be prepared for great hurdles to come your way. Don’t fool yourself with stories of unity and the enlightenment of others.

  10. If you want to understand whether its worth having a discussion with someone or not: See if they reply to your questions directly or dance around the subject! If you are not getting straight answers, you might as well terminate the conversation!

  11. As people fall further and further from deeper quests like questioning their essence, to please themselves, they delve further and further into materiality and WORSHIPPING THE MATERIAL. Beads, prayer matts, well decorated mosques, dresses and habits; they are all but a distraction from REALITY! According Hadith’s, The Rasul of Allah (saw) would pray on soil. Such that when it rained, his forehead would be covered in mud whence he stood up from prostration. They laid wood on the soil, it wasn’t enough, they covered it with carpets, it wasn’t enough, they created prayer matts, that wasn’t enough…And now they assign divinity and worship all of it! How they forget, their ESSENTIAL REALITY IS HU!

  12. Think about it… Think about all the pain and suffering you incur from your supposed attachments; from the distress you experience because those around you don’t share your perspective. Think about the fact that you will one day EXPERIENCE death, and leave all that you value behind. Think about the fact that you are powerless over most outcomes. Why not try and live as if YOU HAD ALREADY DIED!

  13. “LA GHALİBA ILLA ALLAH” Everyone seems to have a different take on this verse. The only victor is Allah. There is no victor but Allah…If there is ONLY ALLAH, no other… Who is the VICTOR of every struggle? Do you not SEE!

  14. The one who wants, The one that causes wanting, The creator, The one that shows, and finally ALLAH, Causing the thought ‘I did it’ fatabaraka Allahu ahsanu alkhaliqeena!

  15. Naturally, people are surprised when they compare current social, political, and personal events with the past. However, currently, there are astrological and natural forces at work, the likes of which we have not seen before. EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED!

  16. Those that divert people into believing a godhead in the heavens, instead of the endless existence which is apparent in every iota of existence, referred to by the name Allah stand to pay a mighty price. Searching the skies for angels descending from the heavens?? Revelation does not come from above!


  18. The algorithm of the brain makes the mind THINK that it is an isolated entity, separate from the ONENESS of existence. This is the driver of the brain’s ILLUSION. After death, the holographic brain will continue its existence eternally based on this same data.

  19. To be able to provide a transliteration of the Quran, you must first be able to observe the reality of existence. The transliteration of those unable to observe existence and the system of Allah is no more than a composition of their personal and limited understanding.

  20. Focus on the message, not on the messenger! Those that lack insight will lose sight of the message due to their opinions of the messenger. The none-believers weren’t able to benefit from the teachings of the Rasul Allah due to their disdain.

  21. A word to the wise is enough!

  22. When you pray, if you don’t understand what your prayer means, if you can’t FEEL the meaning of the prayer reverberating through you, if you are just satisfying yourself through repeating words that have no meaning for you…like a parrot, then you are fooling yourSELF! Pray with words that you understand, with words that mean something to you!

  23. If you honestly believe in Allah and believe that He is with you at each instance, ask yourself this, do you act as if He is with you and observing you at all times? Saying Alhamdulillah carries no meaning unless you live with the awareness that the creator is with you at EVERY INSTANCE. Think about it. How different would your actions have been had you lived with the awareness that Allah was with you at all times? Knowing about Oneness, and talking intelligently about unity doesn’t make you a believer, AS LONG AS YOU ARE NOT AWARE THAT YOU ARE WITH ALLAH AT EACH INSTANCE! If you forget that what you see is the face of ALLAH wherever you look, you do not have FAITH. Don’t forget, your STATE AT THE INSTANCE OF YOUR DEATH WILL BE YOUR STATE FOR ETERNITY!

  24. RENEWAL is possible only if you change your perspective, and your approach, to both people and to events. Otherwise, you will just continue to gyrate within the vortex that is your life. Your greatest weakness is your inability to realize the vortices that have a hold on you.

  25. Do you ever consider that today might be the last day of your life? If this were the case, what would you do? How would you act?

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