Unfortunately, today so many people are squandering away their lives in the futile pursuit of false masters, who are deluded by the jinn. 

There are many alleged mahdis (messiah) and masters, a few in almost every city, who lead so many people astray based on misguiding inspirations they receive from the jinn.

Sufism, before anything, is a battle against one’s self! Hence why the Rasul of Allah (saw) said, “We are returning from the small battle to the big battle” on their way home after gaining victory from a great battle. 

This being the case, so many “Sufis” and their “great saints” can’t even stop smoking!

If one cannot battle with his ego against a simple addiction, how can he overcome other greater challenges and become a saint?

As many sources all commonly agree, the food of the jinn are scents. 

Their favorite scent is that of tobacco smoke…

When they find someone who smokes cigarettes, they will not easily leave that person alone. The jinn are the greatest contributors to the increase in cigarette addiction. 

When they find someone who smokes, they send a signal to their brain making the person feel stressed which leads him to light up a cigarette. Shortly after he takes a few puffs the person starts to be feel relieved. For his jinn acquaintance has taken his nutrition and stopped sending that signal. Hence the person finishes his cigarettes and feels relieved. 

After some time when the jinn needs more nutrition he sends the signal again and the person lights up again… and on goes the cycle…

If you encounter a “hodja” or a “master” who constantly smokes recite the following verses from the Quran:

Chapter as-Saad Verse 41, chapter al-Muminun Verses 98-99 and chapter as-Saffat verse 7.

You will see that the waves you send by reciting these verses will begin to repel the jinn that works through the “hodja” and rupture their connection causing the hodja to act and speak in an unstable irrational way.

Moreover, if you recite these verses near fortune tellers, psychics, and mediums you will see the effects for yourself. Here is the transliteration of these verses:


“Rabbi inni massaniyyash shaytanu Bi noosbin wa adhab; Rabbi audhu Bika min hamazatish shayateen wa audhu bika Rabbi an yahduroon. Wa hifzan min qulli shaytanin mareed.”[1]


The saints of Allah never smoke! This is validated in Sayyid Abdulaziz Ad-Dabbagh’s book “Al Ibriz” (Pure Gold) written centuries ago, who also notes the People of the Diwan (The Supreme Council of Saints) never ever smoked. 

It is a noteworthy observation that while the Rijal al-Ghayb (the Men of the Unknown) never smoked, almost all of those who are in connection with the jinn are serious smoke addicts. 

Hence the biggest and most effective precaution to take to keep the jinn away is to refrain from smoking… 

Also, to validate the authenticity of those who are allegedly at a particular spiritual rank, one may check their approach to the following two topics:

1. ONENESS & UNITY (wahdah) 

2. FATE 

Both those who are unconsciously possessed by the jinn and claim to be a saint out of delusion and those who are consciously in a relationship with the jinn will intentionally refrain from discussing these topics, in order to hide the intellectual incapacity of the jinn ruling them.

The jinn and those under their ruling will always try to keep others away from acquiring knowledge on these two topics, particularly from Sufism, which aims to teach these realities, diverting their attention to everything besides these two topics.

Whenever and where ever you encounter someone who tries to keep you away from learning more about oneness and fate, search for other signs and traces of the jinn before continuing your relationship with them.

The primary reason for this is because the jinn are aware of their inadequacy regarding these realities and hence don’t want their fraud to be revealed, and secondly because once a person understands these realities they can be freed of the “god” they have created in their minds and discern the reality of the Oneness of Allah… Obviously the jinn don’t want this as Iblis (Satan), the ancestor of the jinn, has promised to lead the whole of humanity away from Allah!

The most common way the jinn work against humans is by encouraging them to engage in activities that will deprive them of the life energy (Nur) they will need in the afterlife. 

As for the Sufis, the jinn distract them by making them get caught up in intricate details instead of the essence of the reality. 

Good morals, abstinence from misdeeds, and worship are the matters of Sufism not of Shariah!

If one spends a lot of time with the matters of shariah in a Sufi gathering then he has not yet started his Sufi journey.  

Sufism, begins with practices that enable reaching the secret of unity, which is based on the reality of shariah.


On the other hand, there are also jinn who are Muslims…

They provide simple religious information to the person… Most of which may be correct… This sort of scenario is commonly seen in regions or households that lack religious knowledge. 

However, in both of the cases above, those who make contact with the jinn usually refrain from disclosing their situation because most people know nothing about the jinn and/or make fun of them, hence making it difficult to determine such cases. 

Contrary to these unusual events, the most common type of human-jinn relation is the one in which the jinn establish connections with people without making themselves be known.

Let us now examine how the jinn do this…

[1] Quran 38:41 – 23:97-98 – 37:7

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