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The Make-Up of The Jinn and Their Common Attributes

The ‘jinn’ who can sometimes appear as matter even though they are commonly imperceivable by the human eye, are of two types:

1. Jinn... Forms of consciousness that are outside the spectrum of human perception. 

2. The Animal Spirit - Hologram body



The jinn are conscious beings, commonly known as ghosts, spirits, entities, etc., who commonly delude people into thinking they are aliens or the spirits of people who have passed away.

They derive their self-consciousness or “I-ness” from the SPIRIT as I have explained in previous chapters. 

In terms of their level of consciousness they are inferior to humans… 

In order for a jinn to know itself it needs a wave body, a hologram, which when given, marks their birth…

In the absolute sense, their death takes place during Doomsday, as is the case with humans… 

In the simple and general sense, their death, similar to humans, happens when they leave their hologram body at the end of their determined life span… 

Even though their span of life is similar to humans, due to their make-up and attributes, it can last up to 700-1000 years, according to our concept of time. According to theirs, this feels like 60-70 years…

Due to their make-up, they have many advanced qualities, despite this, their level of consciousness is much lower than humans… A human with a high level of consciousness is much superior in level than a jinn with an advanced level of consciousness.


Their characteristic make-up is simpler and more primitive than humans. They display what we call unfavorable or negative behavior very frequently. They usually engage in adverse and destructive activity. However, among them there are also religious and devout jinn, and sometimes, though rarely, saints. 

Their biggest entertainment is causing mischief among the weaker humans to possess and manipulate them for their own cause.

All attributes commonly associated with “Satan” actually belong to the jinn. As “satanism” is an attribute of the jinn; there is no “Satan” besides the jinn. 

We will explore the qualities and attributes of the jinn in more detail in the following chapters. For now, let us examine their hologram body.

Because the jinn are not bound by matter as we know it, they have access to information of the past… As for the future, again due to their make up, they have some insight as to what may transpire but they don’t know for sure, they definitely don’t know in detail, and as a matter of fact, most times they are inaccurate.


The Animal Spirit – Hologram Body


The make up this hologram body is composed of waves that has not yet been scientifically discovered. Though I believe it won’t be too difficult to detect by the qualified if they work on it…

These waves the same qualities as the human wave body explained in previous sections…

The functions of their body are uploaded to the hologram body, they can appear as matter when they please, and they are not bound by time and space…

They have the mobility and speed to be anywhere in the world they like.

But how does their life span last 1000 years?

As aforementioned, the lifespan of the jinn is approximately 10-13 times the average human life span, i.e. 700-1000 years… Some are known to live up to 1400 years…

They owe the longevity of their life span to their make-up and ‘velocity’, which is much higher than that of humans…

Let me try to explain this in the light of science…

In physics there is a phenomenon whereas velocity increases time slows down… When velocity reaches a particular threshold, time stops altogether.

Distinguished physicist Paul Langevin describes this as the famous twin paradox: 

"This remark gives a way, for any of us, who is willing to devote two years of his life, of knowing how the Earth will be in two hundred years time, to explore the future of the Earth, by hopping forward in the history of the latter, of two centuries, corresponding in his own life to only two years; but without any hope of return, without the possibility to come and inform us of the result of his journey, because any similar attempt can only throw him further and further into the future. 

It is sufficient for this that our traveler agrees to shut himself up in a projectile, sent away from the Earth, with a speed sufficiently close to that of light, although less, which is physically possible, arranging that an encounter occurs with, for example, a star, after one year in the life of the traveler, that sends the spaceship back towards the Earth with the same speed. Returning to Earth, having aged by two years, he will climb out of his vehicle and find our globe aged by at least two hundred years, if his speed had stayed within an interval of less than twenty-thousandth of the speed of light. Established experimental facts of physics allow us to state that the situation will really be as the one just described".[1]

[1] Langevin, 1911, p. 50.


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