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“The Human Spirit”

With the cosmic effects received by the fetus on the 120th day after conception the activity explained as “the blowing of the spirit by the angel” i.e. wave production commences.

This substance which comprises the core of the brain receives its first cosmic programming, allowing the evaluation of its genetic database to take place, hence the direction of its programming is determined.

This is the instance at which “individual spirit” or “the human spirit” is formed, or created! Before this point the personalized, human spirit does not exist!

It is precisely because of this that abortion after the 120th day is considered to be murder!

For, the core of the brain begins to produce the ‘wave body’ that is, the ‘human spirit’ on the 120th day after conception takes place, hence if the fetus is aborted after this, the spirit that has been created will continue its life indefinitely…

The primary characteristics of the person is determined by the genetic code it inherits…

The genetic code is like the seed, and the astrological code is like the factors that allow this seed to grow and develop, like soil, water, sunlight etc. 

The brain continuously uploads and backs up all its data to a holographic wave body we call the spirit. 

This holographic body is not much different to television waves… Just as television waves are basically carrier waves that carry sound waves and visual waves, the human spirit also carries all the data that is produced by brain activity…

The event called death, when brain function and the magnetic field of the body shuts down, the person continues to live through his holographic wave body…

This is the situation referred to as “resurrection after death”!

However, one will not find anything in that body other than what he thought, felt, feared, loved during his life on earth!

In other words, the identity one forms within his physical biological body on Earth is the one he will continue with after death…

The Rasul of Allah (saw) points to this with his words:

“However, you live and in which ever state you die, that is how you will be resurrected after death and on Doomsday”

Resurrection after death takes place immediately after the experience of the death of the physical body…

In respect of the consciousness life continues without interference, only a transition is made from the biological body into the spirit-wave body…

Because of this I frequently stress the point that after one “tastes i.e. experiences death” they will feel as though they are being buried alive with their spirit body! They will be fully conscious at this point!

And until doomsday they will continue to live in the realm of the grave!

The expressions “resurrection after death” in “Amantu” clearly validates that resurrection takes place immediately after death, not on Doomsday!

To better understand the meaning of Allah’s name al-Baith which is the force that drives resurrection you can see Imam Ghazali’s commentary on the Names of Allah…


As we established, “the human spirit”; as of the 120th day, is constantly formed and updated with all the mental products of the brain that take place during the person’s entire life, and after this the spirit disconnects from the biological body and continues its life with this accumulated energy and data indefinitely…

As of Doomsday, the spirits that live in the Intermediary Realm which is the radial, wave-based twin of the earth, either become stuck within the radial-twin of the Sun (hell) due to inadequate energy, or escape this magnetic pull and move on to the radial counterparts of the other stars within the galaxy (heaven).

But let us be mindful of the Quranic expression that a single day of the afterlife is equivalent to a thousand earth years… The Rasul of Allah (saw) says the passing over the Bridge of Sirat will take 3000 years alone…

If a single day of the afterlife is 1000 earth years, then you do the math to discern how long 3000 years of the afterlife is!

Hence it is imperative to take a broader perspective on things…

What we associate to the spirit are things that pertain to the brain. This is why the spirit cannot be sick. It is fallacious to think of sickness of the soul. There is only sickness and dysfunctionality of the brain.

Since every brain produces its own spirit with its own waves, when that brain is no longer functional, that spirit cannot move to another brain, this is inconceivable.

Hence reincarnation, the belief that the spirit comes back to the world with a new body is a complete delusion! It is nothing other than the trickery of the jinn…

You may recite the Quran and send prayers to the soul of a deceased person… If that person has received the relevant data during his life on earth, he will be able to receive and evaluate it. Otherwise, the energy carried in the message you send will only give a very temporary relief.

A frequently asked question is, since the realm of the grave lasts billions of years and the person will be conscious and alive in the spirit form, there won’t be any suffering, so then what is the torment of the grave?

The person in the grave is as alive and as conscious as he is in this world… He can see both himself and his surroundings. When various bugs, insects, mice, snake etc. under the soil start to eat his face and cheeks, he is going to experience it as real as he would if he were alive on earth. For, throughout his whole life he identified with his body and believed that he is his body, and this belief has automatically been uploaded and saved in his spirit, or consciousness… so he will inevitably experience things with this consciousness and hence feel immense pain and torture!


Take your sleep for example, if you’ve had a frighting experience during the day and spent your day fearing something, you will most probably see that thing in your dream and continue to feel the same fear even though nothing is happening to your physical body.


There are three stages to the life of the grave:

  1. Life inside the grave
  2. Life inside the “Realm of the Grave”
  3. Life inside the “Intermediary Realm”
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