But we now know that even those with the most developed of brains, such as Einstein, died having only used a very small part of these connective fibers…

Here are some assumptions:

With time humans are going to get used to or be forced to make new neural connections and hence develop new capabilities…

In fact, if one day all the connections between the 15 billion cells are made active, humans will come very close to divinity, they will be the shadow or the vicegerent of Allah… But for now, we seem to be very far from this point… Of course, the ordinary person uses maybe five or ten of these neural connections… Shakespeare’s vocabulary was six thousand words, while a villager knows only 60 words… The number of words one uses also reflects his usage of these neural connections… One who has a richer vocabulary has richer neural connectivity…

Does every single word reflect a neural connection?

Yes… Every single word reflects a neural connection, as different neural groups are connected for every word….

Does the evolution of man depend on the usage of these fibers?

Yes, in fact it does, anatomically these fibers are present in everyone, but its usage depends on the person’s capacity… Not encountering situations that force one to activate and use these connections may also be a reason… the more they are not used the more one’s insight becomes blinded…

So, then someone with a rich imagination is actually someone who uses a lot of neural connections?

Yes, this is one of the outcomes of knowledge! Hence it is extremely important to raise children with exercises that activate and stimulate mental growth…”


Since this is not intended to be a medical book, I shall not go into any more detail about the properties of the brain… but I’m sure the words of Turkey’s most distinguished professor would have had some impact on validating my point …

What I call human, the religious texts call “self” (nafs) and man. Some religious books also use terms like “the real spirit” or “the observing spirit”.

This is how we construe words, if you read the below excerpt carefully you will see there is no contradiction between my view and those of renowned scholars such as Ibn Abbas. 

The below is from the 9th volume of Elmalili’s “Hak Dini Kuran Dili”:


“NAFS, means the being, the self of everything. It also means the soul and the heart.  In the context of religion, it refers to the inception point of all suffering. Hereunder it references the first definition.” (Vol:1/Page:223)

Every soul (NAFS) will experience death.  NAFS refers to the soul and being, and from this certain have understood this to confirm the immortality of the soul. For ‘experience’ implicates a continuation of life. The pleasure of experience also insinuates being alive. 

In which case the meaning becomes: “Every nafs will experience the death of the body.”

This means that the soul and the body are separate and the death of the body does not mean the death of the soul. Therefore, the concept known as death belongs to the body, while the soul is eternal.” (Vol 2: page 1244)

According to Hadrath Ibn-i Abbas, the mental prowess to differentiate between right and wrong is attributed to the nafs’ power of thought. This is directly associated with the soul, not the body and it is eternal. 

“Hadrath Ibni Abbas has said: Humanity is made up of the ego and the soul; their difference is like the sun and the light that it emits.  The ego serves the processes of thought and judgement. With death, both are separated from the body, while at sleep only the personality is separated.” (Vol 5/Page 4127)

The angel of death (the power of death) cuts off the body’s life energy.  It separates the consciousness from the body and sustains its existence as the soul. (Vol 5/Page: 4129)

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