As for ecmnesia, the person is put to sleep through hypnosis and sent to a period 5-10 or 40-50 years in the past, then asked to explain the life at that time…

However, if the hypnotized person is sent to a time period below his current age, for example to 100-200 years before he was born, then he starts to explain the life of another person who lived in another place as if it were his own life…

So, what is the reality behind this? It is actually quite simple…

I had already explained that during necromancy sessions one thinks he is making contact with the ‘spirits’ while in fact he is making contact with the jinn who are compatible with his make-up. I had also mentioned that the life span of a jinn is 10-15 times more than that of a human. In fact, there are those who were born 1350 years ago are still alive today. 

Moreover, many things that are ‘unknown’ to us are not unknown to the jinn; they are visible to them. 

Now the moment a person falls asleep, the circuits of his brain related to the faculties of thought and reasoning become ineffective. Therefore, the brain becomes prone to all kinds of stimuli and influences. 

While in this state, the body, together with all its functions goes under the influence of a jinn whose frequency is most compatible with that person’s make-up. From that moment onwards, it is no longer the person who we are in contact with, but the jinn who has taken over. 

After this point, you can take the individual to the past or the future as much as you will, he will be able to answer all your questions, because for the jinn, this knowledge is no secret.

If you say, “But if we go to a period before the birth of that individual, then we encounter some other personality, who is clearly the individual’s spirit who lived before in the body of another person! So, this is the proof that the spirit of the same human being lives in other bodies with different personalities” …

Then I will give the following answer:

In such a circumstance, rather than that individual, it is the jinn who starts giving examples from the life of another person who happened to live somewhere else. 

Meanwhile, all emotional reactions the hypnotized person’s body gives as he supposedly remembers these are generated in his brain by the manipulation of the jinn.

It is common knowledge today that computers can stimulate sensory areas of the brain with electrical signals directed to specific regions of the brain connected with certain emotions. These pulses when given appropriately stimulate an electrochemical response from the targeted cells, which ripples across the brain, making the individual cry or laugh. The world of medical science is well aware of this situation. 

Hence the jinn send impulses to the brain of the hypnotized person to create the behavioral reactions that are needed. 

Those who witness this cannot really understand what is going on; they simply assume that these reactions are due to the person’s experiences in the past. 

A few years ago, a jinn appeared as angel to a group of people in Ankara, claiming his name to be ‘Basheer-al Kiraam’. He explained in detail all the stages of the battle that took place between Sultan Alparslan and Romanos Diogenes in 1071. This was a truly amazing event. The “angel” told them how the war was carried out and narrated the conversations that took place between Alparslan and Diogenes from their own mouths, in their own original words and accents, after which he translated them. The people who witnessed this event were fascinated to such degree that some of them even devoted themselves to this “angel” as though he were a god. 


Thus, in such events, it is always a jinn that appears through the person who is hypnotized; it is a jinn that talks to and answers the questions of the people there …

Therefore, there is no such thing as reincarnation, the truth behind it is as I have described.


Finally, let us move on to the fourth point, people remembering their ‘past lives’… 

This also clearly has to do with relationship with the jinn…

Many elderly people especially those from the region of Anatolia are closely familiar with these events that are now being modernized and presented as reincarnation…

When I previously talked about ‘humans who are unaware of their subservience to the jinn’ I had touched on the topic of reincarnation and noted that I will cover more on it in proceeding chapters…

So let me now explain:

In the case of ecmnesia the same story about one’s past life is being repeated. However, this time, he’s recalling it not during his sleep but in his awake state. 

So, what is making this individual talk about his past life?

It is very simple…

A jinn begins to manipulate the brain of the person without him being aware and talks from his mouth, giving information about the life of another person who had lived in the past, as though it was the life of the person through whose mouth he is talking. That is, the person is more like a robot, used and controlled by the jinn…

Since others who are witnessing this are not able to see what is really going on due to their sensory limitations, they are unable to reach the truth behind it, and hence claim it is due to reincarnation.

To conclude, all examples that are put forth to ‘prove reincarnation’ are rendered invalid once the existence of the jinn – whose make up I have already explained – is accepted and known. In this light, the truth behind all such events becomes apparent and clear.

For this reason, I would like to underline that spiritualism, parapsychology or other such concepts are indeed all different versions of the same phenomenon related to the jinn, who were well known and accepted in the past, but are being denied today simply because their reality isn’t understood.

Whether in the name of spiritism or through other means, it is not possible to benefit from the jinn. They will most certainly speak correctly up to a certain point, but will eventually cause divergence, leading people astray and causing harm to those who believe in them… However, due to the nature of humans, they will almost never know this. 

As I have already pointed out before, whenever you examine those who believe in the jinn, it is evident that they have one thing in common. 

Every one of them is curious, good willed and likes to do research. But they have no knowledge whatsoever on religion, especially on Islam. Most importantly, they deny the reality of the jinn which has an important place in the ‘Quran’ and are thus easy targets for the jinn who fool them in the guise of ‘spirits’…


Today, in Turkey there are many associations who deal with spiritism or necromancy, and invisible beings who make contact through these associations. However, they always seem to work secretly behind the scenes… Nowadays for example they think they’re receiving directions from the aliens… 

They never accept into their circle those who do not believe in them… If by accident such a person ends up joining them, they never let him ask any questions or argue with them in any way. 

For they if they do, the jinn with whom these associations are in contact with know that their lies will become obvious. For this reason, they try to protect their status by trying not to get degraded in any way in the eyes of those who believe in them.

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