And Allah causes you to grow from the earth gradually like a plant (the body that comes from the earth continues its life as consciousness).

“Then He will return you into it and again extract you from it.”

“And Allah has made for you the earth an exhibition (living environment).”

“So that you may traverse therein, on spacious ways.”[1]



ALLAH CAUSED YOU TO GROW FROM THE EARTH LIKE A PLANT, means Allah created Adam, your ancestor and the first human on earth from the element ‘earth’, that is, Allah created the human body from a compound consisting of minerals and water. 

THEN HE WILL RETURN YOU INTO IT; means Allah will cut your ties to your body and free you from the limitation of matter allowing the physical body to decompose back into the earth … Meanwhile will continue your life as a conscious being in the Intermediary Realm (barzakh).

 THEN ALLAH WILL AGAIN EXTRACT YOU FROM IT: That is, when the day of reconning (the day when people will have to face with the final results of what they’ve done) comes, ALLAH will raise you again. However, this time, Allah will raise you in a different manner, not like the gradual growth of your physical body on earth but in the state that you were put into the grave, and from this He will form a NEW body for you, suitable to that particular environment. 

ALLAH HAS MADE FOR YOU THE EARTH AN EXHIBITION: ALLAH created the planet Earth in a way that will enable you to live on it with your physical body. 

SO THAT YOU MAY TRAVERSE THEREIN, ON SPACIOUS WAYS meaning that you may go around and travel wherever you like in the world and live at any place you wish.

Let’s examine the deeper meaning of two words in this verse:


In Sufism the word earth refers to the intellect. When the above two verses are read in this respect, the meaning becomes, “Allah has made for you the intellect an exhibition, that is a vast area, so that you may traverse therein, through the many neural networks and ways of thoughts…

That is to say, human beings have been given a structure enabling them to travel between various thoughts and in addition to that; they have been given the Quran, which shows them the Sirat al-Mustaqim (The Correct Path) upon which Allah wants them to walk. 

I don’t know if I have been able to demonstrate the vein primitiveness of those who are possessed by the jinn trying to prove the validity of reincarnation by using religion.  

I think I have put forward enough information to show the insufficiency of those who lack knowledge of Islam and the Quran…

Yet they continue to make claims like “The Quran does not contain a single verse rejecting the idea of reincarnation” while building their ideas on false foundations. 

I can disprove their claims simply by sharing one verse even though there are several more verses on this subject. 

Here is the translation of one of the verses in the Quran rejecting the idea of reincarnation, namely tanasukh


  1. And say, “My Rabb (the protective Names within my essence), I seek refuge in You from the incitements of the satans (that call to corporeality).”
  2. “And I seek refuge in You (your protective Names within my essence), my Rabb, lest they be around me.”
  3. When death comes to one of them, he says, “My Rabb, send me back (to the worldly life).”
  4. “So that I might do righteousness in that which I left behind (i.e. a faithful life that I did not heed or give importance to; the potential that I did not utilize and activate).” NO! (It is impossible to go back!) His words are invalid! (His request is unrecognized in the system) and behind them is a barrier (an isthmus; a difference of dimension) until the Day they are resurrected (they cannot go back; reincarnation, being re-born for another worldly life, is not possible!).[2]


Now let us examine the meaning of these verses:

In order to teach the Muslims how to protect themselves from the jinn with satanic qualities, Allah tells them to say the following:


 “My Rabb, I seek refuge in You from the incitements, false assumptions and conjectures of the evils and the jinn with satanic attributes, that will lead me away from faith…”


AND I TAKE REFUGE IN YOU O MY RABB FROM THEM BEING AROUND ME, in my presence and vicinity, and their attempts to make contact with me…

For they will suggest wrong ideas to me and I will mistakenly think I may come back to this world…

And if I die with this belief, I will say MY RABB, SEND ME BACK TO THE WORLD SO THAT I MAY I PERFORM RIGHT DEEDS TO COMPENSATE FOR THE LIFE THAT I HAVE LOST and die as one who knows the reality…

BUT NO, THESE WORDS regarding reincarnation ARE INVALID AND MEANINGLESS, they have no validity in the system of Allah.


BEHIND THEM IS A BARRIER (Barzakh) preventing them from rising until the day of resurrection when ALL of the humans will be resurrected… That is, their connection to their physical bodies has been cut off, their ties to the Earth has ended, they have moved on to another dimension… This is referred to as the Realm of the Grave in Islamic literature. 


So, this is the interpretation of one of the verses, demonstrating the invalidity of reincarnation. 

Now, let us come have a look at another method they employ to prove reincarnation. 

However, allow me to state once again that the main reason why these subjects could not be explained more openly in the past is because those who were influenced by the jinn were scared of being ridiculed and hence refrained from talking about their situation.

On the other hand, you will see that as we refute their alleged evidences, when the existence of the jinn is declared and accepted, the inside story behind the mystery of these complex events will become very clear. 

If after all of this, one still insists on making such claims, then this can simply be regarded as a clear indication that they do not want to take back what they have said. 

Apart from religious methods, other evidences that are put forth by those who believe in reincarnation are in the following areas:

a. Dreams... 

b. Déjà vu experiences... 

c. Amnesia (Loss of memory) 

d. Direct remembrance of past lives.      

Let us now explore each of these to show how they cannot prove the validity of reincarnation.

[1] Quran 71:17-20

[2] Quran 23:97-100

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