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The Assassination Plotted by the Jews

There were two Jewish tribes, known by the names Banu Nadir and Banu Qurayza. Their settlements were located a two-hour distance from Medina. As mentioned earlier, upon his arrival in Medina, the Rasul of Allah (saw) had made agreements with these tribes, which included provisions for mutual protection and support to each other.

One day, our Master visited the land of Banu Nadir, accompanied by Abu Bakr, Omar, Ali, Zubair, Talha, Sa’d bin Muaz, Sa’d bin Ubade, and Usaid bin Hudeyr (may Allah be pleased with them), to settle the blood money for two individuals from Banu Amir.

After discussing with their leaders, our Master was told, “You are right, we will support you, O Father of Kasim!” However, right after this agreement, they conspired to assassinate the Rasul...

Among them, a Jewish man named Amr bin Hijash planned to take a large stone and, while Rasulullah was sitting behind the wall, he would drop the stone onto his head. However, the plan for this assassination was conveyed to our Master through the angel Gabriel…

Upon learning of this plot, Rasulullah immediately rose and informed his companions about the danger. He then warned Banu Nadir:

“Leave this land within ten days and depart from Medina. Anyone found here after the specified period will face execution!”

When the news of this ultimatum reached Banu Nadir, they were filled with fear and began preparing for their departure. However, the Jewish tribe led by Abdullah bin Ubay, who was in Medina, was not idle. They sent a secret message to Banu Nadir, saying, “Stay where you are! We will help you, and Banu Qurayza will also assist you.”

Upon receiving these promises of aid, the Jews of Banu Nadir decided not to leave and cancelled their departure preparations. In response, our Master declared war to the Jews of Banu Nadir at the end of the promised ten-day period.

The Muslims organized a significant military campaign, and for twenty days, they laid siege to the territory of Banu Nadir. During this period, neither the hypocrites in Medina nor the Banu Qurayza Jews dared to provide them with any assistance.

Under the siege, Banu Nadir was eventually forced to seek peace. Their plea for peace was accepted, and they were allowed to leave with as much of their belongings as they could load onto their camels. They sang songs as they departed from inside the city to conceal their defeat. Their defeat was later described in two verses of Surah Al-Hashr in the Quran.

Not long after this, Banu Qurayza also violated their agreement. In response, the Rasul organized an expedition against Banu Qurayza. The men of Banu Qurayza were executed, and their women and children, along with their possessions, were distributed among the Muslims, as they had openly declared war… This marked the expulsion of all Jewish tribes from Medina…

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