
This book is titled Muhammad’s Allah!

Perhaps most of you will find it a little striking. You may wonder, ‘why not just Allah? Why Muhammad’s Allah?

My purpose in writing this book is to explain, to the best of my knowledge and ability, that Allah is not a god (deity) and that this god-concept we have all come to embrace, as a result of misleading information and conditioning, is not the Allah expounded by Muhammad Mustapha (saw).

Everyone, from the most learned to the most ignorant, has a concept of God.

A God that we love, get angry with, judge and even accuse, at times, for doing wrong by us! We imagine this God, who sits on a star in the heavens or dwells somewhere in space, to be like a benevolent paternal figure or a majestic sultan! 

Those with broader views (!) are well aware, of course, that such a God cannot exist and claim they do not believe in a God, proudly declaring themselves as atheists.

Whereas, neither the aforementioned believers who postulate a God with their hearsay knowledge and conditionings, nor the atheists who deny and reject the idea of a God, have any awareness of Allah as explained by Muhammad (saw)!

So what is the reality of Allah revealed by Muhammad (saw)?

I will try to explain to the best of my understanding, the One denoted by the name Allah, as disclosed to us by Muhammad (saw), in the way that he urged us to comprehend. 

My starting point is the short chapter of the Quran ‘Al-Ikhlas’.

The chapter that begins with the verse Kul huwallahu ahad…,” which every Muslim knows by memory, but only a few have a true understanding of its deeper meaning.

The chapter that has been equated to one third of the value of the whole Quran!

An ignorant man is he who has no knowledge, a stupid man is he who knows not that he has no knowledge, and a fool is he who has no understanding of his lack of understanding. The Quran gives much importance to the intellect and always addresses the intelligent ones while condemning those who do not use their intellect. The Quran urges man to use their intellect in order to see and experience the truth.

Certain literate individuals, though lacking the ability to use their intellects to contemplate, nevertheless classify themselves as intellectuals and attempt to base their atheism on the primitiveness of the Quranic God, thereby revealing the actual level of their knowledge, or lack thereof.

Intelligent beings should feel compelled to research any topic in depth. Otherwise, their delusive denial based on incorrect information will only yield them unfavorable results.

Unfortunately, despite the fact that Muhammad (saw) approached the topic of religion by explicitly denouncing the concept of worshipping deities and openly claimed Allah as the only One, his message remains mostly misunderstood.

The West approach the One denoted by the name Allah as though Allah is a greater God than the ones they previously heard of, thereby veering far off course.

As for the Islamic world, sadly, they too remain unaware of the Allah revealed by Muhammad (saw), and have instead based their faiths on an exterior, heavenly God. 

While many spend their time in endless debates about the forms and formalities of religion, the very essence of faith, that is, believing in Allah and the points mentioned in Amantu[1] are completely ignored. Consequently, the faith of the majority is founded on baseless falsehoods. 

The foundation of Islam rests upon the phenomenon of Allah. ‘There is no God to idolize and deify. There is only Allah!’ This expression clearly alludes to the fact that Allah is not a deity-God! Then, what is Allah?

This is the question Muhammad (saw) answered through the revelation of the Quran, as he tried to stop people from deifying and idolizing external gods, warning them against investing false hopes into fictional idols and endangering their future. 

Muhammad (saw), who articulated the Quran to us, taught us there is no God, that there is only Allah; that there is a System present within life, by which those who fail to comply, are led to suffer the consequences of their own actions. 

If we live with the awareness of the existence of afterlife, our primary concern should be to know Allah and the life awaiting us after death, so that we may prepare accordingly. 

If, on the other hand, we spend our lives only for the purpose of accumulating worldly possessions and ignore investment for the life awaiting us after death, then let us know from now that we will never be able to compensate for our past. 

Taking this into consideration, let us now try to understand the One denoted by the name Allah disclosed by Muhammad (saw). Let us see who the Allah Muhammad (saw) wanted us to know really is…

[1] ‘Amantu’ comprises the six fundamentals of Islamic belief. That is, to believe in:

1. Allah 

2. The angels 

3. The books

4. The prophets

5. Resurrection and life after death

6. Destiny/fate

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