Juz' 1

The Quran in general is divided into chapters (surah) and verses (ayat). It is additionally divided into 30 equal sections, called juz . Of note, division into Juzʾ has no relevance to the meaning of the Quran and anyone can start reading from anywhere in the Quran. The divisions of juz do not fall evenly along chapter lines. These divisions make it easier to pace the reading over a month’s period, reading a fairly equal amount each day. This is particularly important during the month of Ramadan, when it is recommended to complete at least one full reading of the Quran from cover to cover. Some use this divisions to facilitate recitation of the Quran in a month, especially during Ramadan when the entire Quran is recited in the Tarawih prayers, reciting approximately one juzʾ a night. 

The first juz’ of the Quran starts from the first verse of the first chapter (1.Al-Fatiha :1) and continues part-way through the second chapter (2.Al-Baqarah :141).

Hadhrat Ali says, “The secret of the Quran is hidden in al-Fatiha, the secret of al-Fatiha is hidden in the Basmalah, and the secret of the Basmalah is hidden in the letter B! I am the point beneath that B!”

Select Quotations:

This is the Knowledge (Book) of the reality and sunnatullah (the mechanics of the system of Allah), about which there is absolutely no doubt; it is the source of comprehension for those who seek protection.” (Quran 2:1-2)

Who believe in the reality (that their being comprises of the compositions of the Names of Allah) unknown to them (beyond their perception), and who establish prayer (who experience the meaning of salat alongside performing its physical actions) and who spend unrequitedly from both the physical and spiritual sustenance of life that We have provided for them for the sake of Allah. (Quran 2:3)

And who believe in what has been revealed to you from your essence (from the depths of your essence to your consciousness) and what was revealed before you, and who, of their eternal life to come, are certain (in complete submission as a result of an absolute comprehension). (Quran 2:4)

They are in a state of HUDA (comprehension of the reality) from their Rabb (the Name composition comprising their essence) and it is they who are successful. (Quran 2:5)

“Allah has set a seal upon their brain’s perception of reality; their insight is veiled.” (Quran 2:7)

And of the people are some who say, 'We believe in Allah in accord with the meaning of the letter B (with the belief that the Names of Allah comprise their being) and the Life after (that they will forever live the consequences of their deeds)' but in fact, their faith isn’t in line with this reality! (Quran 2:8)

“How can you deny that the Names of Allah comprise your essence (in accord with the letter B)? When you were lifeless (dead; unaware of your essential reality) and He brought you to life (with the knowledge He disclosed to you); again He will cause you to die (from the state of thinking you are only the body), and again He will bring you to life (purify you from confining your existence to your body and enable you to live in a state of consciousness)... Eventually you will see your reality!” (Quran 2:28)

“I will make upon the earth (the body) a vicegerent (conscious beings who will live with the awareness of the Names).” (Quran 2:30)

“And He taught (manifested and programmed) Adam all of the Names (all potential pertaining to the Names)...” (Quran 2:31)

“...So wherever you turn, there is the face of Allah (you are face to face with the manifestation of the qualities denoted by Allah’s Names)...” (Quran 2:115)

“He is al-Badee (The originator of the heavens [states of consciousness] and the earth [the body] who makes things without any sample or like). When He wills a thing, He only says to it, ‘Be,’ and it is.” (Quran 2:117)

“The hue of Allah! And what can be better than being colored with the hue of Allah?” (Quran 2:138)


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