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Articles about Death and Beyond

  • Scenes From the Hereafter

    Let’s continue with hadiths regarding the stages of life after death: Narrated by Abu Hurairah (ra) and Abu Sa'id al-Khudri (ra):...

  • Hadith On the Afterlife

    Let us now have a look at what the Rasul of Allah (saw) has to say about life after death and what awaits us there.  Narrated by...

  • Doomsday

    Now we come to the second phase of the afterlife; the day of judgement or doomsday. The second phase begins with the doomsday. W...

  • Did You Know You Will Be Buried Alive?

    Let’s say you’re in bed and you realize you’re not feeling too well… you snooze in and out of sleep, go in and out of dreams, get...

  • What Is Hell?

    What is hell and how is it described? Here’s how Abdullah bin Masud (ra) narrates how hell will engulf and swallow the earth: “Th...

  • The Science Behind the Destination of Mankind

    As I will cover in more detail in following chapters, man’s spirit begins to form as of the 120th day after conception, as a holog...

  • Earth’s Final Destination

    We’re living on a planet one million three hundred thousand times smaller than the sun with a diameter roughly around 12,500 km. O...

  • Death

    Unfortunately the truth about death is little known. It is generally conceived as an end whereas death is nothing other than a tra...

  • Inquisition

    Questions have no end! There is so much to learn yet such limited time! So much has been disclosed as symbols and metaphors in acc...

  • Enjoy the Experience

    As we know, the Quran refers to the event known as ‘death’ as an experience which every ‘soul’, i.e. every ‘individual human consc...

  • The Afterlife

    One truth should not veil another truth… The external aspect of our practices should not veil the internal, and the internal expe...

  • How Would You Like Your Dream House To Be?

    Everyone has been promised a brand new house! They are told: “You will leave your current homes and move into your new houses, if...

  • Hell Is Grace

    The Rahman is the possessor of grace, who forms all things from Himself with Himself. The forms of grace can be divided into two:...